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God of War on PC: Best Game Settings here

 God of War on PC: it's amazing, and here are the ideal presets.

Digital Foundry's Alex Battaglia has published an analysis of God of War's PC edition, claiming that it is excellent. He's also listed the best graphics settings to use with the game. Here are all the details.

First and foremost, Digital Foundry's Battaglia praises the graphics options in God of War on PC. The only flaw is the FoV, which would have been difficult to implement due to the in-game camera's constant movement. Then it's revealed that Nvidia Reflex is supported, which reduces input latency by 11 milliseconds when used with DualSense.

Caricamenti su PC, ovviamente, are also quite quick, depending on the hardware used. The biggest difference is in image quality and PS4 Pro/PS5 rendering checkerboard remotion. As a result, the graphic artefacts are only available on the PC version of God of War. Also praised is the use of TAA and DLSS, the latter of which appears to work well.

In terms of game graphics improvements, Digital Foundry praises higher-quality shadows, more detailed model poliganli, less pop-in, better ambient occlusion, better nebbia, less aliasing, and better screen-space riflessi (comunque poco usati). Even the textures have improved, thanks to the use of a better anisotropic filter.

Then it's revealed that by lowering the quality of the ombre from Ultra to High, the results improve by 48 percent. Even the riflessi are difficult to manage, therefore going from Ultra+ to Ultra results in a +9% increase in performance, with a +16 percent increase if you go to Alto. Battaglia also advises choosing Original Quality for atmospheric effects and High Quality for environmental occlusion. In this way, the graphics are superior to the console's, but the performance is still acceptable.

It should be noted, however, that VRAM causes issues with God of War on PC. With native 4K resolution, the files go from 4 GB to 7.2 GB. To reduce the problem, reduce the quality of the textures to Originale. These settings help you maintain higher performance with an RTX 2060. Digital Foundry recommends playing at 1440p with this graphics card or an AMD Radeon RX 5700.

If you play with an older GPU, you risk not being able to maintain 60 FPS at 1080p in all situations, but you'll still get a better result than the 1080p and 30 FPS Santa Monica predicted. The Radeon RX 580 appears to have more issues, but according to Battaglia, a more powerful CPU helps to mitigate them.

The frame rate with a Ryzen 5 3600 is 100-120 FPS. God of War manages to maintain 160 frames per second using a Core i9 10900K processor. There are a few points where the game has a difficulty, such as when the Ryzen fails to maintain 60 frames per second, whilst the I9 struggles to maintain 120 frames per second. Limiting performance issues by improving the quality of the shadows and models In general, according to Digital Foundry, if you have an RTX GPU, you should always use DLSS, which allows an RTX 2060 to run God of War in 4K at 60 frames per second. There are certain issues with AMD CPUs, which are also related to the DX11 drivers. Battaglia hopes for a patch that improves the situation.
