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Near-Earth 7482 Asteroid how to monitor it

Near-Earth Asteroid twice the size of the Empire State Building is expected to pass by on Tuesday; how to monitor and see it

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On Tuesday, an asteroid categorised as a "Near-Earth object" by NASA will make its closest approach to our planet in the next 200 years.

According to NASA, the asteroid 7482 (1994 PC1) will pass by the globe at 1:51 p.m. PT, moving at a speed of roughly 43,754 mph.

Near-Earth #asteroid 1994 PC1 (~1 km wide) is very well known and has been studied for decades by our #PlanetaryDefense experts,” the space agency tweeted last week. “Rest assured, 1994 PC1 will safely fly past our planet 1.2 million miles away.”

The asteroid is more than twice the size of the Empire State Building, with a diameter of 3,451 feet

While the asteroid poses no threat to Earth, NASA nonetheless classifies it as a "potentially hazardous object" owing to its size and distance from the planet.

The big object is presently being tracked by NASA's "eyes on asteroid" website, so keep a watch on it as it approaches and passes by Earth on Tuesday.

According to The EarthSky reports, For those looking to actually view the asteroid, it’s not quite big enough to see with the naked eye. but you will probably be able to observe it with a small telescope.

Don't have access to a telescope? 

Try seeing it live via the Virtual Telescope Project's webcast, which will be live at 12 p.m.

The space rock will make two laps by Earth this year, the first on July 3 when it will be 41.2 million miles away and the second on July 3 when it will be 41.2 million miles away. According to NASA, the next approach will not take place until 2033.

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