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6 facts that makes pizza healthy food for you

Pizza is not in the good books for the health conscious despite being the epitome of a perfect snack.

It's the fat-stimulating food that fitness freaks consider pizza to be.

While a large group of people treat pizza as a quick bite.

But what most of us don't know is that pizza can be a Healthy Food and have a good effect on our bodies as it boosts the immunity level.

this is the 6 facts that makes pizza healthy food for you

1- Pizza improves blood circulation in the brain

if consumed on a daily basis. A pizza containing spinach as toppings affect your serotonin levels, which can influence both the positive and negative emotions residing within you. If your pizzeria does not serve spinach toppings, get a normal thin crust pizza and load it with spinach toppings.

Spinach, high in folate, is extensively used as toppings. Folate is one of those crucial vitamins that promotes blood circulation in our brain. According to health experts, spinach contains Vitamin K, which has the ability to slow down cognitive decline

2 - Pizza sauce boosts the immune system

The sauce used in pizza is usually rich in vitamins. The human body needs these nutrients to fight off bacteria and viruses that can cause disease. If the recipe contains oregano, the chances of boosting immunity increase.

Oregano contains Carvacrol, an active ingredient that helps maintain the health of the human liver as well as balances blood sugar.

3 - Pizza works to fight cancer

pizza has qualities to fight some types of cancer. So, if you add some slices of pizza to your regular diet, you will definitely protect yourself from getting cancer.

According to analysis, people who eat pizza every two weeks have:

  • 59% lower chance of developing esophageal cancer.
  • 34% lower chances of developing throat cancer.
  • 26% lower chances of developing colon cancer.
  • 4 - Pizza helps you to absorb Lycopene well

4 - pizza prevents you from Heart disease

Most pizza contain enough tomatoes, which contain lycopene, an antioxidant compound that helps prevent heart disease.

Food that is full of lycopene and fat makes your body better absorb antioxidants. So, you better get extra cheese.

5 - pizza contains a lot of nutritious ingredients

The right mix of toppings of your pizza can bring a lot of health benefits. Choose a thin pizza to reduce the chances of getting empty calories.

Add mix of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, dairy, and grains. The cheese covers the dairy eater's intake while the crust provides the daily grain intake.

6 - Pizza is a protein-rich meal

One slice of pizza contains about 15 grams of protein. It is found in cheese.

Apart from giving you energy, it also helps in repairing your body cells and strengthening your muscles.
